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1. Weekly timesheet template by client

1. Weekly timesheet template by client

This template is designed to track a specific employee’s activities for the entire week. It has room to include details about the client, project, billable hours, and rate for each day.

Download: (Excel)


2. Employee time tracking template

2. Employee time tracking template

This highly customizable template can be modified to cover any reporting period. By default, it includes fields for identifying the date, project ID, task ID, hours worked, and billable rates. You can change it to cover a specific period and track weekly progress.

Download: (Excel)


3. Monthly timesheet template

3. Monthly timesheet template

Need a broader monthly view of an employee’s activities? Then this monthly timesheet template is for you. Use it to track how many hours the employee spent on specific project activities on each day of the week.

Download: (Excel)


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Tags: Topics: Organizzazione,Template,Timesheets
Type of content: Template
Language: English